Manufacturing and testing of a system to detect bee colony density inside the hive using machine vision

Document Type : Research Paper


دانشگاه رامین خوزستان


The aim of this research was to construct an equipped hive with the acquisition, communication and analysis systems to send images on-line, wirelessly. This system could be used to evaluate density of bee colonies and also work as bait box to eliminate bee pest, if necessary. In this study, two methods, optical flow and neighborhood gray-tone difference matrix, were used to determine hive condition and bee activities. According to the results of optical flow analysis, mean was able to detect bulk of existing bee inside the hive at the confidence level of 5%. According to analysis of the texture, the parameters of busyness and complexity have a significant relationship with the bee’s density inside the hive (p<0.05). Moreover, in order to organizing the data in groups the classification algorithms based on Bayesian theorem was developed and executed. Concord to classification results, combination of mean with complexity and mean with busyness could classify the data with the total accuracy 98.67 and 92.95, respectively


Main Subjects

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