Effect of guar and carboxy methyl cellulose gums on chemical, rheological, organoleptic and staling properties of Chapatti bread

Document Type : Research Paper



Chapatti is high consuming bread in the SouthEast countries of Asia that in fresh form has a tender texture but within a few days of storage, becomes inflexible. In this research, the effects of guar and CMC gums at two levels of 0.25 and 0.5% on quality of chapatti bread were investigated. Based on results, gum addition in different levels increased moisture and ash contends and improved rheological properties such as water absorption, dough development time, dough resistance, dough softening and Farinograph quality as well as organoleptic properties including taste, color of crust, chewiness, texture, baking uniformity, breakage and stretch of crust and symmetry compared to control sample. Also properties such as resistance to stretch, ability to stretch, (resistance stretch / ability to stretch) and staling rate of samples were decreased with gum addition and the samples with guar gum at concentration of 0.5% giving the best results.


Main Subjects

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