Evaluation of a Narrow Blade to Improving the Combined Tillage performence

Document Type : Research Paper


Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


In this study, a new design of a narrow blade tillage with lateral tilt angle 10 degrees was used to study the possibility of removing its wing and compare it with the control blade. Three blades (blade with lateral tilt angles of 10 degrees, blade tilt angle of 10 degrees equipped with wing and blade control), plow depth in three levels, 20,15 and 25 cm and two levels of forward speeds 3 and 6 km/hr were the experimental factors. Measured characteristics were draft force, specific draft, soil surface disturbance and fuel consumption. The results showed that the draft force of the blade equipped with angle, with wing and without wing was significantly increased compared to the control blade. Soil surface disturbance in the blade with lateral tilt angle 10 degrees with and without wing decreased compared to the control blade. The effect of the blade type on specific draft was significant. Specific draft in the blade 10 degrees with wing and in depth of 25 cm and the control blade in depth of 15 cm had the highest and lowest value respectively. The effect of the blade type, plow depth and forward speed and also the interaction of these three factors on fuel consumption in probability level %1 were significant. There was no significantly different between amount of fuel consumption in the control blade and the blade equipped with lateral tilt angle. Based on the results of regression analysis, optimum depth and forward speed for narrow blade equipped with lateral tilt angle 10 degrees were proposed 17/02 cm and 3/6km / h, respectively.


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