Simulation of the Preparation of Thyme Essential Oil Nanoemulsion Process Using Sub-critical Water and Evaluation of Its Properties

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran


Simulating of operating conditions for different processes is a positive step towards saving time and cost. In the present study, Thyme essential oil nanoemulsions using tween 80, as emulsifier, under sub-critical water conditions (Temperature above 100 ° C) were prepared according to the results of the simulation of operating conditions using the COMSOL Multiphysics software and their physical properties were evaluated. The simulation results showed that heating at temperature of 120 ° C up to 120 minutes, could not provide sub-critical water conditions, and the Thyme essential oil nanoemulsions were not formed. However, oven heating of sealed container containing Thyme essential oil nanoemulsions, at same temperature for minimum 120 min, indicated that the temperature of the formed nanoemulsions was ranged in108 to 111 ° C, which that was completely satisfied sub-critical water temperature condition. Physico-chemical properties of Thyme essential oil in water nanoemulsions were analyzed using DLS, FTIR and TEM. Obtained results indicated that the prepared nanoemulsions under sub-critical water conditions had particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential of 33 nm, 0.221 and -13.5 mV, respectively. Morphological attributes of the formed nanodroplets indicated that nanodroplets with spherical shape were formed which that revealed their highest thermodynamic stability.


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